The third installment in the Mucus Phelgmball series finds 11-year old superhero, Marcus Fleming, freaking out because he snoogered Turner, the town bully, in the side of the head. Despite his best friend Chunk’s attempts at reassuring him, Marcus is afraid trouble is looming when Turner isn’t on the bus in the morning. Then Marcus wakes up during the night and sees someone standing in his backyard, staring up at his window and is convinced he started something he can’t handle. The next morning Marcus finds a fluorescent green blob on his lawn. The color is too similar to his snoogers to be a coincidence. Marcus takes the rubbery substance to Dr. Boogerslinger and his worst fears are confirmed. It’s earwax, it’s Turner’s and it’s explosive. Are Mucus Phlegmball and Master Blaster about to face their first human villain? Turner wastes no time experimenting with his powers. When someone is hurt as a result, the boys decide to put Dr. Boogerslinger to work creating an antidote. The three of them must then risk their lives traveling back in time to Tasmania to catch a platypus to finish the formula. Meanwhile, Marcus is also struggling to deal with Courtney, a classmate who has a crush on him. Courtney’s constant hovering puts Marcus in an awkward position when it sparks a jealous streak in Chunk. Can the three of them learn to get along? Then Courtney overhears Marcus telling Turner about his powers and Marcus must scramble to convince her to keep quiet or risk losing everything. The pressure is building and Marcus’ mother’s suspicion about his odd behavior has him questioning whether he can deal with all this alone. Is it time to use Dr. Boogerslinger’s formula on himself and ditch his powers or should he reveal his secret identity?

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